Composed by Triều Lê, Trang Lê, Ngọc Lê, and Nam Lê — with love and opinionated truth. We thank Jason Miller for sharing his tip on the visa application.

<aside> 🥳 Welcome to Vietnam! We are so glad you’re visiting our lovely country.


<aside> 💍 And yes, Trang’s wedding! You would be able to see firsthand a traditional Vietnamese wedding and observe our close-knit Viet families.


Main events

You’re invited to two official events on Monday, December 26, both in the peninsular city of Vũng Tàu where one can watch both sunrise and sunset over the ocean.

First is the morning engagement ceremony called Đám Hỏi, where the groom’s family & friends present dowric offerings to the bride’s family (at their residence).

Second is the evening wedding reception at the Palace Hotel.

South Vietnam

Vung Tau

Ho Chi Minh

Phu Quoc

Middle Vietnam

Hoi An

Da Lat

North Vietnam

Ha Noi

Ninh Binh

Sa Pa

Ha Long Bay

Notes and tips

flying & packing

on mobile data

on money

on visa application

on transportation

You don’t have to go looking for great food in Vietnam. Great food finds you.Anthony Bourdain


Adventures with the Meanderthals.: April 2010 (

Hungry for more of Vietnam | Financial Times (

How to bargain in Vietnam like a local? - AMA Vietnam (

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